In the first row, left to right are Mrs. Lorena Carter, Sue Fain and Hazel Green. In second row, same order, are Mrs. Mildred Jones, Vice President, Ms. Pauline Weeden, Regional Director who supervised the organization of the local chapter, and Mrs. Neutrice Merritt, president. In the back row are Mrs. Barnetta White, Journalist, Mrs. Ida Cooper, Sergeant-at-Arms, Mrs. Rose Johnson, Mrs. Ebbie Dorsey, E. Louise Murphy, Parliamentarian, Mrs. Mildred Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, Helen LeGrand, Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Ida Fowler, Treasurer.In the first row, left to right are Mrs. Lorena Carter, Sue Fain and Hazel Green. In second row, same order, are Mrs. Mildred Jones, Vice President, Ms. Pauline Weeden, Regional Director who supervised the organization of the local chapter, and Mrs. Neutrice Merritt, president. In the back row are Mrs. Barnetta White, Journalist, Mrs. Ida Cooper, Sergeant-at-Arms, Mrs. Rose Johnson, Mrs. Ebbie Dorsey, E. Louise Murphy, Parliamentarian, Mrs. Mildred Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, Helen LeGrand, Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Ida Fowler, Treasurer.In the first row, left to right are Mrs. Lorena Carter, Sue Fain and Hazel Green. In second row, same order, are Mrs. Mildred Jones, Vice President, Ms. Pauline Weeden, Regional Director who supervised the organization of the local chapter, and Mrs. Neutrice Merritt, president. In the back row are Mrs. Barnetta White, Journalist, Mrs. Ida Cooper, Sergeant-at-Arms, Mrs. Rose Johnson, Mrs. Ebbie Dorsey, E. Louise Murphy, Parliamentarian, Mrs. Mildred Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, Helen LeGrand, Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Ida Fowler, Treasurer.
In the first row, left to right are Mrs. Lorena Carter, Sue Fain and Hazel Green. In second row, same order, are Mrs. Mildred Jones, Vice President, Ms. Pauline Weeden, Regional Director who supervised the organization of the local chapter, and Mrs. Neutrice Merritt, president. In the back row are Mrs. Barnetta White, Journalist, Mrs. Ida Cooper, Sergeant-at-Arms, Mrs. Rose Johnson, Mrs. Ebbie Dorsey, E. Louise Murphy, Parliamentarian, Mrs. Mildred Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, Helen LeGrand, Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Ida Fowler, Treasurer.
The Epsilon Alpha Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered on September 12, 1953.
In 1960, it was renamed Fayetteville Alumnae.